Up until the 1830s, when Joesph Fry and Sons introduced the idea of ‘eating chocolate’, chocolate had been a luxurious beverage that only the relatively wealthy could enjoy. As a solid product it became easier to mass produce and became more widely consumed.
First in Paris…
In 1832 Jean-Baptiste Létang, (under the brand “Aux Armes due Bretagne” in Paris), created the first known decorative chocolate moulds. The French were also responsible for developing moulds that, by joining sections together, enabled them to produce three-dimensional shapes.

…and then Dresden
Friedrich Anton Reiche, one of best known and most collectible of the 19th Century chocolate mould makers, learned his trade at Letang. His factory in Dresden was responsible for the development and manufacture of around 50,000 moulds. Today his moulds are highly sought after on Ebay, the craftsmanship and imagination he brought to his work is exquisite.

Traditionally, chocolate moulds were made from a variety of materials ranging from copper (coated with silver wash) to metal alloys, Bakelite and brass. From the 1960s thermo-plastic took over from stainless steel metal and is still used to this day.

Chocolate mould necklace
The moulds used for this madcap piece of wearable art jewellerty were probably made in the 1960s. They’re slightly less intricate than their historical counterparts but still charming. This piece is perfect for someone who loves to cook or for anyone for whom one-of-a-kind, outlandish, statement jewellery is a pre-requisite for a larger-than-life personal style.

https://blog.skipscandies.com/the-history-of-the-chocolate-mold/ https://www.letang-fils.com/historique_en.html https://en.antonreicheformen.de/anton-reiche